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Save Your Daughters

Arke Promotions

Our World Is Dangerous

Our World becomes more dangerous every day where protocols are formed to please or favor those that are the strongest while the weakest are trodden down, all to try to avoid war or make sure that supplies are not cut off.

The richest nations are the ones that gain by it while the poor ones get poorer.

No wonder the Bible talks about days to come when they will say "Peace' Peace" when there is no Peace, so we fool ourselves into thinking all is well when the very opposite exists.

So Our World Is Dangerous.


There is a day coming when Jesus Christ will return to reign on earth having defeated His enemies. He will rule from Jerusalem and Peace will reign on earth.

There is another dangerous thing that all those who reject Jesus Christ will in the end face eternal judgment and go into the Lake of Fire; by the way Hell and Death are cast into it also.

So that Lake of Fire is not Hell as many say. Hell really is the makings of Satan where he reigns in terror he terrorizes all of his followers and has no plans to give them a good time as some want to say.

Bald Eagle

The Bible also points out that the Saints will prevail against the gates of Hell so that shows us that Hell is Satan's not something God created.

Yes Hell is a place of burning like a volcano is but it will itself be destroyed in the Lake of Fire; this is an eternal burning, that is the smoke of Babylon is seen going up forever and that never ends.

So this is the danger we should flee from if we are hell bent going there, because Satan is lying to you all the time.

Yet to repent from what we are doing is not a thing of hardship and sorrow it is a joyous thing to do, for it takes away our sorrows and heals our wounds there is nothing dangerous about it.

So ask God today to forgive your sins and set you free, and you will be free indeed.

It does not matter what you have done Jesus paid the full price for it and you can be set free.

We will still suffer in the world as believers for this World is Dangerous 

But that is really for a short time only compared to the whole of eternity.

God is Love,

NASA space glory
© Copyright JR JF Brumby Arke Promotions